Here are some of our most frequently asked questions.


What is Laser Tattoo Removal?

Laser tattoo removal is the process of completely removing, partially removing, or fading an unwanted tattoo via means of laser technology. Laser tattoo removal is the safest and most effective way of removing your unwanted tattoos.

How does Laser Tattoo Removal work?

Laser tattoo removal works by shattering the tattoo pigment into smaller fragments which are then dispersed naturally via your immune system. All of our laser treatments are performed using the Quanta Q-Plus EVO by Quanta System.

Can my tattoo be completely removed?

In most cases, yes! The reason we say this is because there is currently no laser on the market which can guarantee complete removal of white and yellow ink. Some colours are easier to remove than others. Dark inks such as black, blue and red tend to respond more quickly, whilst other colours can be a little bit stubborn. But not to worry, we attack these stubborn inks with our Ruby Laser which delivers a true 694nm wavelength. In most cases complete removal is 100% achievable.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments can be difficult to determine as everybody responds differently to treatment. Some of the factors we take into consideration are the location of your tattoo, the age of your tattoo, the type and depth of the ink and your overall health and well-being. On average, removal of professional tattoos generally takes between 6 and 10 treatments whilst amateur tattoos or fading for a cover-up can take between 3 to 5 treatments, give or take. A thorough treatment plan will be discussed at your consultation.

How much will treatment cost?

Our treatments start at $90 per session. Prices are quoted during your consultation.

Am I suitable for treatment?

We are serious about tattoo removal, and as a result, we have some treatment requirements that not only keep you safe but allow you to get the most from your treatment;

  • We require you to be well-rested and in good health prior to treatment. We will not treat people that are drunk, on drugs or have been out all night partying. Being well hydrated before treatment is also advised.
  • If you currently have this year’s hottest tan, congrats! But we won’t be able to treat you. Overexposure to UV light makes it dangerous for us to perform laser treatment so this is a big no for us. This also includes the use of fake tan.
  • We are unable to treat you if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. While there is no solid evidence that laser tattoo removal has ever been harmful to babies, we would rather err on the side of caution.
  • We are unable to treat you if the treatment area is subject to open wounds, abnormal scarring or dermatological skin conditions such as eczema, keloid scarring or psoriasis.
  • If you are taking any medication that may increase your skin’s sensitivity to light (like the popular drug Accutane used in the treatment of Acne) you cannot undergo laser treatment. You must allow a minimum of 6 months post medication prior to commencing laser tattoo removal (to be confirmed with your doctor or specialist).
  • There are a variety of medical contraindications which can make you unsuitable for treatment or which may require you to obtain a medical clearance from your doctor. This will be discussed in detail at your consultation.

Can the area be tattooed again?

Absolutely! Many clients opt to have their unwanted tattoos faded in preparation for a cover-up. This is an effective solution for those who still love tattoos but want to upgrade their designs. If you need any advice, we work with some amazing artists who can assist you.

Can I partially remove a tattoo?

Of-course you can! We understand that mistakes happen and there may be just a small section of your tattoo that requires correcting, like a spelling mistake. Our lasers are extremely accurate which allows us to remove a specific section of an existing tattoo without damage to the surrounding ink.

Will it scar?

Having been victims of inexperienced staff and dodgy machines, we know how important it is to provide a safe and effective service. In fact, we’re pretty darn passionate about this! Our intense search for the best machine led us to the Quanta Q Plus EVO which is an authentic one pulse system firing at just 6 nanoseconds. Many other machines require an increase in power and instead fire two pulses of 12 nanoseconds to achieve the same result. This is too much exposure to your skin and is likely to cause damage to the superficial layers resulting in (you guessed it) unwanted scarring. Our Q-switch laser is the safest way to perform tattoo removal treatment ensuring your precious skin returns to normal. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

How painful is the removal process?

We’re not going to lie to you. There is certainly some element of discomfort. But most people measure it equally to getting a tattoo, which you already know all about. The good news is that tattoo removal treatments are lightyears faster than getting a tattoo, so any discomfort you experience is short lived. We want the process to be as comfortable and pain-free as possible, so we simultaneously operate the Zimmer Cryo 6 Air Cooling System which dramatically reduces heat, swelling and inflammation by expelling a continuous flow of ice-cold air straight onto the treatment area. We think it’s pretty darn cool (pardon the pun). In addition to this we also having numbing cream available which we will discuss at your consultation.

What aftercare is involved?

Routine aftercare is typically required for 1-2 weeks post-treatment to reduce the chance of infection and maximize your results. Aftercare is fairly straight forward and mostly involves keeping the treatment area clean and moisturised (similar to when you get a tattoo). Detailed aftercare instructions will be provided following your first treatment with us.


What is Fractional ResurFACE®?

Fractional ResurFACE® otherwise known as Fraxel or Fractional Laser Resurfacing is a form of skin rejuvenation. There can be some slight differences in the way these treatments are delivered but ultimately the end goal is the same, to restore and stimulate collagen and elastin production.

How does Fractional ResurFACE® work?

Fractional ResurFACE® is a non-invasive laser treatment which penetrates deep into the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin, using focussed high precision microbeams. These microbeams use heat energy to target only a ‘fraction’ of the skin with each pulse resulting in a series of ablative columns being formed. Minimal impact to surrounding tissue means less side-effects and more rapid healing. This minor injury ultimately initiates a natural healing response leading to healthier younger-looking skin.

What are the benefits?

Fractional ResurFACE® not only helps to minimise fine lines and wrinkles, reverse the effects of sun damage and reduce acne scarring. But it also improves overall skin texture, evens skin tone, firms and tightens your skin for a more radiant and youthful complexion.

How is the treatment performed?

Prior to treatment, your skin is gently cleansed to remove makeup and impurities, after which numbing cream is applied. Once the numbing cream is removed, we begin cooling the skin using our Zimmer Cryo 6 Air Cooling System, then the laser treatment begins. The laser is passed over the skin’s surface causing minimal discomfort. This procedure is generally repeated twice. Aftercare products are then applied.

What will my skin look like after treatment?

Immediately after treatment your skin will look flushed with some slight swelling. Minor signs of blanching or pinpoint bleeding may be present. Most of this will settle within 1 – 3 hours following treatment. Most patients fully recover and begin to notice results within 1 – 3 days or 3 – 5 days in extreme cases.

Is the procedure painful?

This procedure causes only minor discomfort. Some areas such as creases of the nose and upper lip tend to be a little more sensitive. However, treatment is relatively quick, so any discomfort is only short lived.

Am I suitable for treatment?

We are serious about Fractional ResurFACE®, and as a result, we have some treatment requirements that not only keep you safe but allow you to get the most from your treatment;

  • We require you to be well-rested and in good health prior to treatment. We will not treat people that are drunk, on drugs or have been out all night partying. Being well hydrated before treatment is also advised.
  • If you currently have this year’s hottest tan, congrats! But we won’t be able to treat you. Overexposure to UV light makes it dangerous for us to perform laser treatment so this is a big no for us. This also includes the use of fake tan.
  • We are unable to treat you if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. While there is no solid evidence that Fractional ResurFACE® has ever been harmful to babies, we would rather err on the side of caution.
  • We are unable to treat you if the treatment area is subject to open wounds, abnormal scarring or dermatological skin conditions such as eczema, keloid scarring or psoriasis.
  • If you are taking any medication that may increase your skin’s sensitivity to light (like the popular drug Accutane used in the treatment of Acne) you cannot undergo laser treatment. You must allow a minimum of 6 months post medication prior to commencing Fractional ResurFACE® (to be confirmed with your doctor or specialist).
  • It is recommended that Retinoids be discontinued 1-2 weeks prior and throughout treatment. Botox and Dermal Fillers require a minimum of 4 weeks prior to laser treatment. No previous laser treatment within 4 weeks.
  • There are a variety of medical contraindications which can make you unsuitable for treatment or which may require you to obtain a medical clearance from your doctor. This will be discussed in detail at your consultation.

What aftercare is involved?

Routine aftercare is typically required for 1-3 days post treatment. Aftercare is fairly straightforward and mostly involves keeping the treatment area clean and moisturised. Following treatment, it is recommended that SPF is worn daily to protect skin from further damage and to maintain results. Detailed after care instructions will be provided to you following your first treatment with us.

How many treatments will I need?

For optimum results we usually recommend a minimum of 3 treatments spaced 2 – 4 weeks apart. After which a top up treatment is recommended at 6 – 12 months.

How much will treatment cost?

Please contact our friendly clinicians for current price list and package deals.

Is Fractional ResurFACE® suitable for other areas besides the face?

Whilst Fractional ResurFACE® is most commonly used for facials it is also suitable for treatment of the neck and decolletage, or for individual scar treatment. We also use our Fractional ResurFACE® laser in conjunction with Laser Tattoo Removal treatments to optimise results.